Challenges faced by a timber transport company

The importance of training and maintenance

in a timber transport company

Payload management is only one of the challenges that face a timber transport company. There are many variables that impact on the mass of a transported log such as the age of the timber species. If the weight of the transported goods were known, etc. bags of flour or cement, it would have been easier. On-board weighing systems are a very important part of the equipment found on a timber rig and has to be constantly maintained to be in perfect working order at all times. For effective maintenance of the weighing systems as well as the ability to identify problems and make the necessary compensations when a vehicle’s gross vehicle mass are assessed, driver training is essential.  Overloading in this business is not allowed and has to be prevented at all times. The onboard weighing system also has to be calibrated at regular intervals.

A Timber rig travels on all kind of road surfaces and as we know, road surfaces has  an impact on the tyre selection and wear and tear, necessitating constant maintenance of the tyres timber transport trucks. A timber truck driver is constantly faced with challenges such as – driving on roads filled with potholes, gravel roads, secondary roads, forestry roads , weather extremes and then there is the difficulties associated with confined space operations in the wood mill yards and loading zones.

Drivers have to be trained to handle a timber rig in different conditions and circumstances to avoid damage to rigs. To do so a timber transport company has to develop training modules that complement normal driving skills. A timber truck encounters conditions on a frequent basis that test the rig to its fullest extent. A loaded rig usually means extensive use of the braking system and retarder. The diff-lock is probably used more by a timber rig than is the case in normal road-haul operations.

Buhle Betfu Timber transport company Mpumalanga

Safety is of great importance in the timber transport industry and as a responsible timber transport company in Mpumalanga, adheres to a management programme that focus on these key issues such as driver training, vehicle maintenance and replacement if necessary, driver health. With 50+ years experience in the transport of timber and sugar cane in the Mpumalanga, Kwa Zulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces, we can be trusted with all your short haul and long haul operations.